Transgenic proteins in agricultural biotechnology: The toxicology forum 40th annual summer meeting

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Transgenic proteins in agricultural biotechnology: The toxicology forum 40th annual summer meeting

During the 40th Annual Meeting of The Toxicology Forum, the current and potential future science,
regulations, and politics of agricultural biotechnology were presented and discussed. The range of current
commercial crops and commercial crop traits related to transgenic proteins were reviewed and
example crop traits discussed, including insecticidal resistance conferred by Bt proteins and the development
of nutritionally enhanced food such as Golden Rice. The existing regulatory framework in the
USA, with an emphasis on US FDA’s role in evaluating the safety of genetically engineered crops under
the regulatory umbrella of the FD&C Act was reviewed. Consideration was given to the polarized politics
surrounding agricultural biotechnology, the rise of open access journals, and the influence of the internet
and social media in shaping public opinion. Numerous questions related to misconceptions regarding
current products and regulations were discussed, highlighting the need for more scientists to take an
active role in public discourse to facilitate public acceptance and adoption of new technologies and to
enable science-based regulations.



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